As a breeder, you have access to a number of great features which will allow you to transfer pets out of your account and into the accounts of the new keepers.
How to sign-in to identibase as a breeder
As your account is no longer registered as a "keeper" account and is instead registered as a "breeder" account, your log-in process differs slightly. You will need to go to our login page via as normal, but instead of inputting your details into the fields provided, you will want to click on the link in the box that says "If you are an implanter (eg Vet, Breeder, Rescue), please click here to log into the admin site."
Doing this will bring you to our admin login page, where you can now input your login details. Sometimes this might require you to change your password.
How to transfer pets into the new keeper's name
Once signed in to your breeder's account, you will be brought to a page where you can view your details and all the pets currently registered to that account.
To start a transfer, please locate the pet you would like to transfer under the "My pets" section. Once you have selected the pet you would like to transfer, please click the yellow "Rehome pet" button.
You will then be brought to a page where you can input the new keeper's details. You are required to enter the new keepers full name, email address and phone number.
Once you are sure that the information you have input is correct and accurate, you can click the blue "Rehome Pet" button on the right-hand side of the screen and then the transfer of keepership will have been started and you will receive an email to confirm this.
The new keeper will receive a transfer to verify and complete, if this is not completed within 7 days, yourself and the new keeper will be sent a reminder email. If, after 14 days the process has not been completed, the transfer will expire and the pet will be reallocated to your account.