Why is identi implementing this change?
There is a significant number of pets that are microchipped but fail to have their chips registered or managed with correct information; at all stages of their lives. This results in a big issue for pet welfare which identi is passionate about resolving.
As a result, identi has introduced the new identi professionals service to tackle this issue at source. By encouraging not only the microchipping, but the registration and correct management of microchip details, identi hopes to change the culture of microchipping and position it in its rightful place as an essential aspect of pet care.
Microchip registration, transfers and detail management is essential for pet welfare. Without such management, pets are at great risk of going missing or getting stolen. identialert helps to dramatically reduce this risk, with over 9,000 pets reunited with their keepers per year*. Our service aims to reduce these risks, promote pet welfare and give pets the best start in life.
Additionally, identi hopes to encourage responsible breeder behaviour.
how does the programme work?
Your breeder will register a litter's microchips under their own name as standard practice once they have been chipped.
Once the new puppy or kitten is rehomed to its new keepers, your breeder will initiate a transfer of keepership.
A breeder begins this process by inputting the details of the new keepers. Following this, the new keeper (you) will get a communication via email to complete and verify their information.
After completing the information, the new keeper will be directed to make a payment of the transfer of keepership fee, which is £30, via card payment.
After the payment is made, the transfer is complete and your breeder will receive a confirmation email.
What is the identi professionals programme?
identi professionals is a new service from identicare; the providers of the identichip microchips and identibase, the longest-standing pet database in the UK. With the focus of improving correct registration and microchip management, leading to a significant and essential improvement in pet welfare.
Identi professionals is the new service whereby breeders transfer puppies and kittens to the new keepers. This process is a digital-first process whereby litters are managed on a breeder's account and are transferred to their new keepers.
The new keepers will be required to verify their pet and personal information and complete a transfer of keepership. This process will charge the new keeper £30.
When is this in effect from?
This service is in effect from Wednesday 4th September 2024. All transfers of keepership on or after this date are subject to this service regardless of when the chips were purchased or when the chip was originally registered by the breeder.
More details about the transfer fee.
The new keeper is responsible for paying a £30 fee, online, to complete the transfer of keepership and move the new pet into their name. £30 is the mandatory fee for this process. £30 gives the new keeper a completed transfer of keepership, an official keepership certificate and a year's access to identi's leading pet protection plan identialert.
Identialert will renew every 12 months until cancelled by the keeper. The keeper will receive communications via email and will be able to see their plan on their online identibase account. A notice of renewal is sent 60 days before any service is to be renewed.
Please see our terms and conditions for more information on our subscriptions.
The new keeper already has an identialert plan for other pets in their household, does this service apply to them?
No. If your household already has an active identialert plan then the transfer of keepership for a new pet is already covered free of charge. One of the benefits of identialert is that a single plan covers all pets within a household.
I do not have an email address, what happens then?
It is essential for new keepers to have an active email address to complete a transfer of keepership.