If you're relocating overseas and need to update your details, please note the following:
- About us: We operate as a UK-based database. While identibase is still traceable internationally, it's essential to register your pet's current microchip number onto a database that operates in the country where your pet currently resides.
- Advised action: Registering your pet's microchip with a local database ensures that the microchip number remains fully effective in the new location. This helps facilitate identification and reunification efforts if your pet is lost or found.
- Which local database should I use? For more information and assistance on registering your pet's microchip with a local database abroad, we recommend reaching out to your local veterinary practice. They can provide guidance on the registration process and ensure compliance with local regulations.
Continue with identibase:
If you do wish to resume using identibase, you can update your pet's address by contacting the identibase team on 0330 9128077, our online system does not currently accept addresses outside of the UK.
As a member of either identibase+, identialert or identifind, unlimited changes can be made to your account (identialert and identifind also include the option to add a secondary/alternative addresses.)
If you are a basic customer, you will need to upgrade your account to one of the below memberships to unlock unlimited change of details -