We offer three comprehensive plans, each designed to provide numerous benefits for you and your pets. Review the options below to find the plan that best suits your needs:
identibase+ - £10/year
- Enjoy the convenience of a single membership that includes multi-pet cover, meaning only one payment is required per year, no matter how many pets you hold on your account, unlike other microchip companies that charge on a pet-by-pet basis.
- Unlimited changes to your account details, this ensures that your details remain up to date and you always remain connected and reachable.
- Can Purchase a PitPat GPS tracker at a special reduced rate, making it the most cost-effective way to keep track of your pet's location.
- Once enrolled in one of our pet protection plans, you can also buy our SmartTags, adding an extra layer of security for your pets.
identialert - £30/year
identialert is our recommended plan as it provides the maximum level of protection of any plan that we offer and is also excellent value for money as it comes with many benefits.
With identiAlert you gain access to our enhanced missing pet service, increasing the likelihood of a missing pet being brought back home in the event that it does go missing, as well as a great deal of other perks.
Like identibase+, one membership covers all pets on the account.
Enhanced Missing pet Service:
- Missing pet posters created specifically for your pet, complete with a picture, map of their last known location, time of pet going missing and any additional comments that you would like to share.
- Missing pet reports with the same information shared to thousands of people on our social media pages.
- Missing pet reports sent to all Implanters (Rescue's, Vets, Police, Breeders, Council's etc) who are registered on our database within a 20 Mile radius of where the pet went missing.
- Missing pet report shared to all keepers on our database within the local area of where the pet went missing.
- Have a dedicated missing pet division where each day, someone sole job is to monitor any scans of missing pets on this service and monitor any sightings, contacting keepers, vets, and rescues etc.
- Gain access to a 24/7 out of hours missing Pet Hotline who can give advice, mark pets as lost, stolen or found to help during this stressful time.
Other benefits
- Covers the costs associated with transferring pets that are currently held with other databases.
- Also provides unlimited changes to your contact details.
- Covers the cost of registering foreign microchips to a UK database.
- Covers the cost of any future transfers of keepership, should they ever wish to get another pet.
- Can Purchase a PitPat GPS tracker at a special reduced rate, so you can keep track of your pet's location.
- Once enrolled in one of our pet protection plans, you can also buy our SmartTags, adding an extra layer of security for your pets
identifind - £30/year (plus a one-time fee of £119)
- Includes all benefits of identibase+ and identialert.
- Receive a PitPat GPS tracker for your pet, which attaches to your pet's collar, providing real-time location tracking.
Please note, the monthly identialert subscription is on an annual policy basis. Subscription to identibase+, identialert and identifind will automatically renew every year unless you end the contract with us. For further details, See our Terms & Conditions / 4.3 Identibase Service.